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Here you will find how to get to Finestrat using the main means of transport possible.

  • How to arrive in road?

    You can reach Finestrat by car on the N-332 national road or on the AP-7 motorway, taking exit 64.

    FinestratHow to get? »

  • How to arrive in Bus?

    If you prefer to come by public transport as a bus, the ALSA company stops at Finestrat.

  • How to arrive by train/TRAM?

    You can come to Finestrat by train with the Alcant - Denia line, which runs along the north coast of the Province. In addition, you have 11 trams and 9 Train-TRAMs, which cover the route between Alacant and Benidorm on the tramway platform of the Metropolitan TRAM.

  • How to arrive in Plane?

    You can reach Finestrat by plane, since you have El Altet airport, 57 km away and Manises airport, 140 km away

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Father Christmas will visit the Christmas Market being held this weekend in the historic quarter of Finestrat.

Father Christmas will visit the Christmas Market being held this weekend in the historic quarter of Finestrat.

Christmas festivities will kick off in Finestrat from Friday 16 December with this year's Christmas Market. Up
until Sunday 18 December you can visit the town's historic quarter and the more than 40 stalls selling crafts, local
gastronomy and traditional Christmas decorations. At the beginning of Carrer Nou, a huge arch festooned with
lights and garlands will mark the entrance to this fantastic street bazaar. The City Council is running a free bus
service for users from La Cala and the surrounding residential areas, as well as a shuttle bus from La Foia sports
complex car park to the market. In terms of parking, in addition to the municipal car park and the car parks on
Carrer Sant Vicent and Carrer del Pintat (the junction leading to Sella-Relleu) visitors can also park in La Foia
sports complex.
On the craft stalls you'll find handmade soaps and candles, traditional musical instruments played at this time of
year, wooden toys and jewellery, leather goods, Christmas plants and decorations, decorative ceramics and a
whole range of products that will delight fans of this kind of market.
The gastronomy stalls will be the other mainstay of this Christmas Market. They will be selling natural coffees,
dates, handmade cheeses, mulled wine, stuffed buns, Belgian waffles and biscuits, candied almonds plus breads
and cakes made specially for the occasion by the bakers at El Forn D'Honorato. This local establishment has just
recently received a star for its excellent work and quality. Stalls will also be selling roasted chestnuts next to the
great Christmas tree and the church Iglesia Parroquial de Sant Bertomeu.
For fans of traditional local fare, members of the Commissió de Festes MiniTofols 2023 will be preparing dishes
following traditional Finestrat recipes, such as "pilotes" (meatball stew) and "arròs amb fesols i naps" (rice with
beans and turnips) at affordable prices. Local women's group L'Associació de Dones de Finestrat will also be
setting up a traditional food stall stocked with sausages, honey, wines, sweet pastries and "coca girà", a local
savoury pastry.
As usual, the Christmas Market will also feature children's entertainment and workshops, travelling storytellers,
musical performances, traditional local recipes and the visitor every child longs to see, none other than Father
Christmas himself. Several Disney characters have also confirmed their attendance. Plus there'll be a kids’ disco,
musical performances by groups "GATSBY4" and "Calm the Rage" plus music in the street with live carol singing
while the market is open. The event will also include the prize-giving ceremony for winners of the XV Christmas
Card Competition organised by the Council's Youth Department.



11:15h. Salida desde Finestrat (Mercat)-Balcón-Terra Marina-La Cala-Golf Bahía-Finestrat (Mercat)

14:30h. Salida desde Finestrat (Mercat)-Balcón-Terra Marina-La Cala-Golf Bahía-Finestrat (Mercat)

16:00h. Salida desde Finestrat (Mercat)-Balcón-Terra Marina-La Cala-Golf Bahía-Finestrat (Mercat)

19:00h. Salida desde Finestrat (Mercat)-Balcón-Terra Marina-La Cala-Golf Bahía-Finestrat (Mercat)


11:15h. Salida desde Finestrat (Mercat)-Balcón-Terra Marina-La Cala-Golf Bahía-Finestrat (Mercat)

14:30h. Salida desde Finestrat (Mercat)-Balcón-Terra Marina-La Cala-Golf Bahía-Finestrat (Mercat)

16:00h. Salida desde Finestrat (Mercat)-Balcón-Terra Marina-La Cala-Golf Bahía-Finestrat (Mercat)

19:00h. Salida desde Finestrat (Mercat)-Balcón-Terra Marina-La Cala-Golf Bahía-Finestrat (Mercat)

(Horarios flexibles que irán funcionando según la demanda)

Programa sujeto a modificaciones horarias o anulaciones ajenas a la organización.

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