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Here you will find how to get to Finestrat using the main means of transport possible.

  • How to arrive in road?

    You can reach Finestrat by car on the N-332 national road or on the AP-7 motorway, taking exit 64.

    FinestratHow to get? »

  • How to arrive in Bus?

    If you prefer to come by public transport as a bus, the ALSA company stops at Finestrat.

  • How to arrive by train/TRAM?

    You can come to Finestrat by train with the Alcant - Denia line, which runs along the north coast of the Province. In addition, you have 11 trams and 9 Train-TRAMs, which cover the route between Alacant and Benidorm on the tramway platform of the Metropolitan TRAM.

  • How to arrive in Plane?

    You can reach Finestrat by plane, since you have El Altet airport, 57 km away and Manises airport, 140 km away

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This Sunday comes Faüla, a circus show that can be seen at Terra Marina

This Sunday comes Faüla, a circus show that can be seen at Terra Marina

The circus arrives in Finestrat this Sunday, September 8, at 7:00 p.m., in the Terra Marina urbanization. Two women are in charge of giving life to the show "Faüla". On the multi-sports court you can see how the two protagonists move from childhood to adulthood and do so through dance with a harness, ropes, manipulation of objects, humor and physical theater. Access is free and is aimed at all audiences.

Faüla is a contemporary circus show in which different disciplines converge to tell the story of the transformation of two women. They develop in a cage and go through different experiences of personal growth, which shape them, until they are trapped. In short, this show is a dialogue with the limits imposed outside and inside their heads, an emotional range in which they want to show that the key is often inside each one's own head.

The company responsible is DOS EN VILO, an aerial hoop duo, created in 2018 by Delia Bernabé and María Pilar Martínez. In 2019, with the production of the Subcielo company, they expanded the piece by incorporating techniques such as aerial hammock, contemporary dance and contact juggling.
In 2021 Camila Manzano joins this duo replacing Delia Bernabé. It was then that they decided to take the step to define Compañía Dos en Vilo and create Faüla, the company's first long-term project. In 2022 they are selected in the Alacant Escena call in circus mode, promoting them in their creation.

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