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Here you will find how to get to Finestrat using the main means of transport possible.

  • How to arrive in road?

    You can reach Finestrat by car on the N-332 national road or on the AP-7 motorway, taking exit 64.

    FinestratHow to get? »

  • How to arrive in Bus?

    If you prefer to come by public transport as a bus, the ALSA company stops at Finestrat.

  • How to arrive by train/TRAM?

    You can come to Finestrat by train with the Alcant - Denia line, which runs along the north coast of the Province. In addition, you have 11 trams and 9 Train-TRAMs, which cover the route between Alacant and Benidorm on the tramway platform of the Metropolitan TRAM.

  • How to arrive in Plane?

    You can reach Finestrat by plane, since you have El Altet airport, 57 km away and Manises airport, 140 km away

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The Crown of the King believed in the fissures of the parets del Puig Campana, from the 1000 metres of altitude

The Crown of the King believed in the fissures of the parets del Puig Campana, from the 1000 metres of altitude

The Crown of King is a plant that believed in the fissures of the Puig Campana parets. It is the plant that Manuel Mayor Rabasa has found in the month of September, popularly known as El Beato, and that has studied with the flora that he believed in the highest mountain of the province of Alacant. Té unes flors blanques de gran bellesa, que només apareixen una vegada a la vida, d'aquí la seva espectacularitat i també la seva singularitat.

Who aspecte teniu???

Sóc a robust herbaceous plant, with slow creixement, beautiful and rocky molt, it is a dir em crec en les roques. Inicialment, apareixen les meves fulles arran de terra. Subsequently, from the centre of all them, emerges a seatpost, spiked, of green colour, robust, erguit or arquejat, llarg, ja que puc assolir els 50 centimetres d'alçada, carnes, enganxós, en atraure molts insectes que hi queda atrapats i amb abundants pèls. From the glean, in all directions, there are many ràftings, pediels, which are also deceived and sustain the flowers. Aquest és un procés extens que em porta divers anys.

The fulles are in a circular arrangement, in the form of a basal rosette, and are on the ground. They are appointed and are tight and orderly; they have no petiole, that is, tail; it is of a gray-green color per dalt, pel fes, i pàl·lides per sota, per l'envege; Carroses i dures, from the Tipus de les Coriàcies; you end up in a sharp point; sense pèls, anomenats glabres; in the shape of a cullera, anomenades also spatulates; and rust to the touch, in dyeing to the veres a whitened crust, which is the result of absorbing the calcium carbonate of the rock, which in sweeping is close to the pluja and, then, in evaporating, solidifies, remaining impregnated to the full. On the llarg of the seatpost, trobarem unes jibs molt més petites que les basals, que estan espaiades, cobertes de pèls i assegudes per la seva base a la polja, mancant de ràfega. All of them have the margin of feeling, all that they can also be irregular, and they are a green card in the valley.


Un hombre en un parque

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My flowers are white, dotted with purple spots, they are numerous, I have more than 500, and showy. They appear at the end of the very numerous hairy, sticky tails, which start from the same stem or breakwater, go in all directions, reaching different heights, giving it a pyramidal appearance, that is, a pyramidal panicle. My corolla has 5 rounded or spatulate petals, hairless and with 10 stamens. You'll see me bloom between May and July. I do it only once in a lifetime, spectacularly, consuming all my energies in this process. Finally, I scatter my seeds and die.

My fruit is a round capsule, which opens spontaneously when ripe, in summer, releasing my tiny brownish seeds.

Where do I live???

I grow in fissures of inaccessible limestone walls, in cool, humid places, facing the north face, from 1000 meters above sea level. There are several sayings that reflect the difficulty of my existence: "Where life is hard, the saxifrage endures" or "In the narrowest crack, the saxifrage bets"

Did you know that...???

You don't need to travel to the Pyrenees to see me, you have me here, at Puig Campana, in Finestrat.

I arrived during the first ice ages, a million years ago, and I have stayed with you, although I miss the winters of yesteryear.

When my seeds fall, they move through the rock until they reach a crack where they are deposited, starting my life cycle again. Once I wither, I fall and leave the space free for future formations.

My boiled leaves were used as a folk remedy by shepherds in difficult cattle births, to expel the placenta and the bag of waters (amniotic fluid). I have abortifacient properties. I was also uprooted to prevent poisoning of livestock, which contributed to my alarming reduction. I am currently protected. I leave you with another of my sayings: "Saxifrage in the abyss, a hymn to optimism".


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